Jay Weinberg resmi keluar dari Slipknot usai bergabung sejak 2014. Drummer itu hengkang usai menjadi personel Slipknot menggantikan posisi yang ditinggalkan Joey Jordison pada 2013.
Kabar itu pertama kali diumumkan lewat situs resmi dan akun media sosial Slipknot. Namun, pengumuman yang dirilis via media sosial itu terpantau sudah dihapus, sementara pengumuman di situs resmi masih muncul.
Situs resmi Slipknot itu juga sudah tak lagi menampilkan profil Jay Weinberg dalam daftar personel band hard rock tersebut.
"Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Jay Weinberg atas dedikasi dan semangatnya selama sekitar sepuluh tahun terakhir," tulis keterangan resmi itu, Minggu (5/11).
"Tidak ada yang bisa menggantikan energi asli Joey Jordison, tetapi Jay menghormati bagian-bagian Joey dan berkontribusi pada tiga album terakhir sehingga kami, band, dan para fan mengapresiasinya," lanjutnya.
"Namun seperti biasa, Slipknot bertekad untuk terus berkembang. Band ini telah memutuskan untuk membuat keputusan kreatif dan berpisah dengan Jay," sambung pernyataan resmi itu.
Jay Weinberg bergabung dengan Slipknot mulai 2014 silam. Ia menggantikan Joey Jordison, personel awal yang membentuk Slipknot bersama Shawn Crahan dan Paul Gray pada 1995.
Sejak saat itu, Weinberg ikut terlibat dalam sejumlah proyek musik Slipknot. Sebut saja 5: The Gray Chapter (2014), We Are Not Your Kind (2019), dan The End, So Far (2022).
Jay Weinberg juga bergabung dengan Slipknot dalam dua tur konser dunia, yakni Prepare for Hell Tour pada 2014 hingga 2016 dan We Are Not Your Kind World Tour pada 2019 hingga 2021.
Berikut rilis tanggapan Jay Weinberg :
QuoteDisplay MoreI sometimes wonder what it would be like to pay a visit to my wide-eyed, 10-year-old self — falling head over heels in love with a new and exciting sound and culture — and tell him all about the last 10 years. Even on the hardest days, I’d like to think he’d be stoked about the adventure that was in store for him.
I was heartbroken and blindsided to receive the phone call that I did on the morning of November 5th; the news of which, most of you learned shortly after. However, I’ve been overwhelmed by — and truly grateful for — the outpouring of love and support I’ve received from this incredible community I consider to be my creative and artistic home.
This is not the ending to the journey I’d dreamt of, and committed myself to seeing through — not by a long shot. But, despite the confusion and sadness, there is something that’s provided an equal amount of comfort. For many of you reading this: 10 years ago, we weren’t yet acquainted. And now, we are. For that, I’m thankful in ways I’ll never be able to fully express.
I love playing the drums. I’ll always love playing the drums. I’ll always have a passion for music, art, and creative expression. Nothing will ever change that.
I don’t know how, and I don’t know when, but I look forward to creating loud, passionate, and heartfelt music that we enjoy together again. Until then, please know it’s been the joy of a lifetime to spend the last 10 years with you, sharing in our love for this special corner of the music and art world.
This isn’t the end, and I’m thrilled to discover what the future has in store for us.
Thank you.